

Thank you for playing Unwording!

Unwording is a game about cognitive distortions and negative thinking patterns.

Cognitive distortions refer to patterns of thinking that are inaccurate, biased, or illogical, and can lead to negative emotions and behaviors.

The inspiration for the game came to me through my own experiences with such thought patterns, and as I began to work on the game, I began to understand and map out my own ways and tools for dealing with such thoughts.*

Through my own journey, I learned that these patterns can be permanently broken! If you are interested in learning more about cognitive distortions and how to deal with them, here are some resources that may be helpful –

Here are a couple of videos that were instrumental in kickstarting my search for solutions and answers, leading to some key breakthroughs –

And here’s a bit about my own experience with overcoming cognitive distortions (the relevant parts are from 2:54 – 5:00)


Note that I’m just a game dev sharing lessons from my own experiences! If you feel your negative thought patterns are causing you distress or interfering with your daily life, it’s important to seek help from a mental health professional who can offer support and guidance.

Good luck! You can do it 🙂

Haven’t played Unwording yet? 

Click the link below for Unwording’s Steam page:

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